digital page library

Access all Buildout online pages

digital page library

Access all Buildout online pages


This library is for quick access to all of our digital pages, and for internal access to pages we have hidden or expired. We created this page to provide people a resource to finding all of our pages, instead of having to individually send links out upon request. This page can be referenced when looking for any online pages we have created. Please note that this library cannot be shared externally, but the pages within it can be in most circumstances.


  • Pages in the 'Customers' tab are tailored specifically for our customers, and should not be sent to prospects.
  • Some pages have been created for specific companies (i.e. Sync Overview for NAI) and should not be sent to anyone outside those companies. These pages will include the company name in the title.
  • Anything tagged as 'landing page' means the page is gated. If sending to a prospect, please use the version marked 'digital piece' so they don't have to fill out a form.
  • Pages marked '(archived)' are used as internal references only and should not be sent to prospects or customers.

Additional resources

Additional resources such as our business card and marketing swag request forms can still be found on Confluence. Presentation templates can be found here.